
作者: wfbyingyin 分类: 最新好看的欧美电影推荐 发布时间: 2020-09-03 17:00

我有话要说 Pump Up the Volume (1990)

Mark runs a pirate radio station and causes an uproar when he speaks his mind and enthralls fellow teens.

Mark Hunter (克里斯蒂安·史莱特) is an intelligent but shy teenager who has just moved to Arizona from the East Coast. Mark has inner demons he has a hard time dealing with. Mark’s father, Brian Hunter (斯科特·帕林), who runs the school district, and his mother, Marla Hunter (米密·肯尼迪), try to help him but only push him away.His parents give him a short-wave radio so he can talk to his pals back east, but instead he sets up shop as angry pirate deejay Hard Harry. His broadcasts consist of music, obscenity, cynical observations, reading letters, and call-ins. His listeners include students o…                        更多>

寻梦环游记 Coco (2017)

Aspiring musician Miguel, confronted with his family’s ancestral ban on music, enters the Land of the Dead to find his great-great-grandfather, a legendary singer.

米格尔(安东尼·冈萨雷兹 Anthony Gonzalez 配音)出生在一个小镇,据说他的祖上出过音乐家。也就是他太奶奶的父亲,但不知为何失踪了。从此,太奶奶的母亲把家里和音乐有关的所有东西都砸了,音乐成为这个家族的禁忌。 奶奶严格按照遗训,不允许家里出现任何和音乐有关的声音。但年少的米格尔正处于叛逆期,唯独对音乐情有独钟。矗立于小镇中央的歌神德拉库斯就是米格尔的偶像,是墨西哥历史上最受欢迎的歌手。米格尔从小立志,长大以后要成为偶像那样伟大的人物。 亡灵节来临了,到时会在广场中央举办音乐大赛。米格尔想去参加大赛,这件事正好被家人发现,他连忙把吉他和狗狗藏到了纪念桌下面,但狗狗贪吃,瞄准了纪念桌上的食物,慌乱之中,米格尔打掉了挂在上面的太奶奶父母的照片,发现照片被隐藏了一角,舒展开之后,米格尔发现太奶奶的父亲手里拿着的吉他正是歌神的那把,心想难道太奶奶的父亲就是自己的偶像? 米格尔认为自己是音乐家的后代,应该继续追梦。但奶奶不可能同意,生气之下抢过米格尔的吉他砸碎了。失去了吉他,米格尔没办法参加音乐大赛,看着矗立在眼前的歌神,想起纪念馆中珍藏的歌神的吉他,米格尔刚拿到手中,就被人发现了。 米格尔非常害怕,但没想到进来的人根本看不到自己,径直从身前穿过。米格尔来到外面,发现了很多飘忽的身影,并从中遇到了自己死去的家人。米格尔和家人一起来到亡灵城,…                        更多>

Machete Kills (2013)

The U.S. government recruits Machete to battle his way through Mexico in order to take down an arms dealer who looks to launch a weapon into space.

The film is preceded by a fake trailer for “Machete Kills Again… In Space!”, which features the titular hero on an intergalactic mission, starring Danny Trejo, Michelle Rodriguez, Alexa Vega, Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber as a robot named Bleep (which Machete destroys), and Leonardo DiCaprio as “The Man in the Silver Mask” (with the sub-note that the actor playing the role is subject to change).The actual film starts off with a team of military men arriving at the Arizona-Mexico border, where they start unloading crates filled with high-tech weaponry. They’re cornered by Machete Cortez (Danny Tre…                        更多>




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