
作者: wfbyingyin 分类: 好看的悬疑电影排行榜推荐 发布时间: 2020-09-03 17:01

最佳出价 La migliore offerta (2013)

A lonely art expert working for a mysterious and reclusive heiress finds not only her art worth examining.

Virgil Oldman is an elderly, and esteemed but eccentric genius art expert, who lives in Italy; where he is always alone, known and appreciated by the world; He is an agent of high-end art auctions, and he has an incredible collection of paintings of women faces.The way Virgil collects all these paintings is by taking advantage of people who take their artworks to him to examine to see if they are originals, and to give them a price. But, Virgil lies to the people; he tells them that their artworks are fake. This with the intention of buying them later on with the help of his very good friend B…                        更多>

魔翼杀手 The Prophecy (1995)

The angel Gabriel comes to Earth to collect a soul which will end the stalemated war in Heaven, and only a former priest and a little girl can stop him.

In the prologue, Thomas Dagget (Elias Koteas) is about to be ordained as a priest, but he is stricken by horrific visions of angels at war with each other. Several years later, Thomas, having lost his faith and abandoned the church, is a detective with the Los Angeles Police Department. Two angels fall to Earth: one, Simon (Eric Stoltz), warns Thomas of coming events, before disappearing. The second, Uziel (Jeff Cadiente), tracks Simon down and attempts to kill him, but is killed himself. Investigating the disturbance, Thomas goes to Simon’s apartment and finds an obituary for a recently decea…                        更多>

越轨追击 Derailed (2005)

When two married business executives having an affair are blackmailed by a violent criminal, the two must turn the tables on him to save their families.

Derailed opens at the Illinois State Penitentiary; the guards preparing to open the cells so the prisoners can have yard time. As the inmates go about their recreational activities in the prison yard, the camera pans back along the cells where one man sits, only his back and then his jaw visible as he lights a cigarette. He then begins writing in a notebook, ‘The morning it all began, began like any other morning.’The inmate’s writing switches to a voiceover by Charles Schine (克莱夫·欧文), a successful commercial executive at JMD/March. A caption lists the month as October as the camera pans a…                        更多>




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