
作者: wfbyingyin 分类: 最新好看的美国电影推荐 发布时间: 2020-09-04 14:36

搏击俱乐部 Fight Club (1999)


主人公杰克(爱德华·诺顿饰)每天过着沉闷的上班族生活,还要每天忍受着上司的随意差遣,果不其然,日积月累的压力让他失眠了。他请求医生给他自己一些安眠药,可医生认为失眠是小问题不需要服药,建议杰克去参加一下癌症患者互助会,体会一下什么才是真正的痛苦。 杰克带着好奇心来到这里,大家坐在一起互相倾诉。杰克在这里认识了一个叫鲍勃的大胖子,两个人相互拥抱用哭泣来宣泄情绪,回到家后杰克神奇的睡着了。在互助会他不用照看别人的眼光,而自己就是这个圈子的中心,别人会认真聆听他的话,这里就是杰克的天堂。此后的近一年时间内,杰克参加了各种各样的疾病互助会,失眠症也一直没有再犯。 好景不长,这天杰克正准备和老拍档鲍勃抱在一起放声大哭的时候,门口出现了一个抽烟的女人玛拉,杰克在别的互助会见过这个女人,他这才知道这个玛拉也是在冒充病人。杰克感觉自己的地盘被占领了,警告玛拉不要再来,两人争执不下最终决定两个人单双日来互助会。 这件事的发生,杰克发现自己又失眠了。失眠导致他精神恍惚,经常不知道自己在哪在做什么。一天坐在出差飞机上的杰克,认识了有趣的肥皂商人泰勒(布拉德·皮特饰)。泰勒是一个浑身充满叛逆、残酷和暴烈行动力量的痞子英雄,是与杰克完全不同的人。 下飞机后杰克打车回家,到家后他发现自己的家被炸毁了。无亲无故的杰克走投无路,给一面之缘的泰勒打电话请求收留自己,于是两人便…                        更多>

纸月亮 Paper Moon (1973)

During the Great Depression, a con man finds himself saddled with a young girl who may or may not be his daughter, and the two forge an unlikely partnership.

It is the early 1930s, and a small funeral service is underway at the gravesite of Essie May Loggins. In attendance are two female acquaintances and Addie (塔图姆·奥尼尔), the 9-year-old daughter of the deceased. Arriving late for the service is Moses Pray (瑞安·奥尼尔), a suave-looking younger man. It becomes clear that Essie May was a somewhat “loose” woman, and that Moses was one of her lovers. One of the women at the funeral says she notices a resemblance between Moses and Addie, and wonders if Moses is not the girl’s father. Moses denies this, but the women persist in questioning him. When…                        更多>

奶爸安亲班 Daddy Day Care (2003)

Two men, Charlie Hinton (艾迪·墨菲) and Phil Ryerson (杰夫·格尔林), get laid off and have to become stay-at-home dads when they can’t find jobs. This inspires them to open their own day-care center.

Charlie, a busy working father, is laid off after the health division in his company was shut down. Desperate for money, he opens up a day care center with the help of two friends. As it became more popular, a nearby school’s daycare became less populated, because Charlie’s center, Daddy Day Care was much cheaper. Mrs. Harridan, the head mistress of that school, attempts to shut down Daddy Day Care, but fails. Charlie and one of his friends are offered a better job and they decide to take it. But not long after, Charlie soon realizes that the job isn’t what he really wants to do. He returns to…                        更多>

The Great Mouse Detective (1986)

Basil, the rodent Sherlock Holmes, investigates the kidnapping of a toy maker and uncovers its link to his archenemy, Professor Ratigan.

The year is 1897. The place is London. The setting is not our world, but the world of England’s mouse population, who live lives not so different from ours, in the mouse holes and basements of the British Empire.Hiram Flaversham, a master toymaker, is kidnapped on his daughter Olivia’s birthday. The young girl has no one to turn to for help, so she strikes out on her own, seeking the greatest detective in all mousedom, Basil of Baker Street.En route, Olivia encounters Dr. David Q. Dawson, a mouse recently returned from military duty in Afghanistan. The kindly doctor agrees to accompany the gir…                        更多>




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