
作者: wfbyingyin 分类: 最新好看的韩国电影推荐 发布时间: 2020-09-04 14:55

82年生的金智英 Kim Ji-young: Born 1982 (2019)


智英在家收拾家务,照顾孩子。丈夫郑大贤找到了心理医生,描述了妻子的病情。智英带着孩子在公园休息,正在喝咖啡的时候,听到旁边有职场人士讨论自己,拿着老公的钱悠闲地来喝咖啡,语气不善,智英听不下去,推着孩子走了。晚上智英在家给孩子洗澡,大贤回来接替她,然后三人吃饭,智英的手受伤了,说是累的,医生竟说什么家务活都是机器干,人为什么会疼。大贤又说春节不想回家了,想休息,智英不同意,干活的是自己,如果不去,婆婆肯定要怀疑是她的主意。春节来到婆婆家,智英就一直在帮婆婆干活。大贤想帮忙,但是被婆婆说风凉话,误以为她在家不干活。第二天早上,天还没亮,婆婆就在厨房折腾,智英听到马上起来帮忙,婆婆送了智英一件围裙做礼物,智英只得面带微笑地接受。吃完饭后,智英还在厨房收拾善后,大贤怕一会儿姐姐回来还得忙活,所以收拾完东西让智英也赶紧做完手上的活就走。话音刚落,大姑姐一家就进来了。婆婆一家和大姑姐一家在客厅热闹,智英继续在厨房一个人忙着。婆婆使唤智英,还假装客气让她累了就休息一下。智英心里不满,犯了病,身份一下子转换成了母亲的样子,表达了自己的不满,大贤带着她匆忙离开,并嘱咐姐姐让妈妈不要打电话质问。离开婆家,两人又来到了智英家。智英有一个姐姐和一个弟弟,姐姐是名老师,至今未婚,弟弟也已三十岁,成为大小伙子。智英睡醒后看着墙上地图回忆起小时候,弟弟被各种优待,姐姐想要离开韩国,母亲为了几个哥哥放弃了学业,…                        更多>

热血男儿 Yeolhyeol-nama (2006)

Along with a partner, a small-time crook arrives at the hometown of his mentor’s killer to seek revenge, but gets caught in a fix upon befriending the killer’s mother.

A small-time crook, Jae-moon goes after the man who killed his mentor a few years earlier. Jae-moon meets Chi-gook, a retired taekwondo practitioner who becomes his partner and goes to the killer Dae-siks hometown. Chi-gook and Jae-moon devise a plan to kill Dae-sik, but as the day of reckoning approaches, Jae-moon meets Dae-siks mother, Jeom-sim, who reminds him of his hometown. As he sees Jeon-sim worrying over her son, he cant proceed to kill him. However, the encounter of Dae-sik and Jae-moon takes places on the villages field day.                        …更多>

蔷花,红莲 Janghwa, Hongryeon (2003)

A family is haunted by the tragedies of deaths within the family.

『箪笥』The movie opens in a mental hospital where a teenage girl by the name of Su-Mi is suffering from shock and psychosis. She is being questioned by a doctor who shows her pictures of her family and asks if she can speak about the day that led her to being admitted to the hospital.The next scene shows her returning with her father and sister, Su-Yeon, to the family’s secluded estate near a lake. The two sisters are reluctant to go inside the house where their stepmother awaits. Instead they go down to a pier by the lake where they relax by putting th…                        更多>

杀人回忆 Salinui chueok (2003)

In a small Korean province in 1986, two detectives struggle with the case of multiple young women being found raped and murdered by an unknown culprit.

At the start of the film, in October 1986, a young woman is found raped and murdered in a ditch near a field. Soon after, another woman is found raped and murdered in a field. Local detective Park Doo-man, not having dealt with such a serious case before, is overwhelmed; key evidence is improperly collected, the police’s investigative methods are suspect, and their forensic technology is near non-existent. Detective Seo Tae-yoon is sent from Seoul to assist them; their methods clash and he is unable to convince them they are dealing with a serial killer until his predictions of another murder …                        更多>




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