
作者: wfbyingyin 分类: 好看的悬疑电影排行榜推荐,最新好看的国内电影推荐 发布时间: 2020-06-30 17:56

少年的你 Better Days (2019)

胡晓蝶的自杀让高三的陈念(周冬雨饰)陷入困境,陈念被魏莱等人霸凌。魏莱心狠手辣,但看起来却是一个乖巧可人的好学生,而且胡晓蝶的死也与她有关。 陈念认识了小混混小北(易烊千玺饰),同是天涯沦落人,渐渐的两人产生了真挚地感情。小北下决心保护陈念,没想到却产生了蝴蝶效应。警官郑易感觉到学校里诡异的氛围,可想要调查胡晓蝶自杀真相的他却总是遭到学校的阻止…更多>

警察故事2013 Jing cha gu shi 2013 (2013)

A man looking for the release of a long-time prisoner takes a police officer, his daughter, and a group of strangers hostage.

《警察故&#20107&#12299Jackie Chan plays a Mainland Chinese police Captain Zhong Wen. He goes to meet his somewhat-estranged daughter Miao Miao (Jing Tian) who is studying to be a nurce in an industrial-chic bar which was converted from a factory to. Zhong Wen ultimately discovers Miao Miao is dating the Wu Bars proprietor Wu Jiang (Liu Ye) but he disapproves of. It turns out that his suspicions of Wu Jiang (Liu Ye) are not completely unfounded as Zhong was jumped and the rest of the patrons were taken hostage inside the nightclub. Zhong Wen uses …                        更多>

绝地逃亡 Jue di tao wang (2016)

A detective from Hong Kong teams up with an American gambler to battle against a notorious Chinese criminal.

The film opens at the shipyard when Hong Kong detective Bennie Chan (Jackie Chan) finds his partner, Yung, being suited with the bomb. As he arrives, the bomb is less than 30 seconds. At last minute, Yung gives his watch to Bennie, vowing to protect his daughter, Samantha. He then jumps off the tower just as the bomb goes off, presumably killing him.Nine years ago, Bennie and his associates consisting Leslie and Esmond attempt to track down Victor Wong – whom they believe he is the matador, a crime boss – at the local town of Hong Kong, only to find Handsome Willie, Wong’s right-hand man, alon…                        更多>




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