
作者: wfbyingyin 分类: 好看的惊悚电影推荐,好看的高分恐怖电影排名推荐 发布时间: 2020-07-02 14:09

魔翼杀手 The Prophecy (1995)

The angel Gabriel comes to Earth to collect a soul which will end the stalemated war in Heaven, and only a former priest and a little girl can stop him.

In the prologue, Thomas Dagget (Elias Koteas) is about to be ordained as a priest, but he is stricken by horrific visions of angels at war with each other. Several years later, Thomas, having lost his faith and abandoned the church, is a detective with the Los Angeles Police Department. Two angels fall to Earth: one, Simon (Eric Stoltz), warns Thomas of coming events, before disappearing. The second, Uziel (Jeff Cadiente), tracks Simon down and attempts to kill him, but is killed himself. Investigating the disturbance, Thomas goes to Simon’s apartment and finds an obituary for a recently decea…

华人侦探陈查理之午夜幽会 Black Magic (1944)

Charlie searches for a murderer amidst numerous ghosts conjured up by a strange variety of spiritualists and occultists.

“Synopsis – Black Magic, released 8-19-44

The name plate opens the movie at the business of W. Bonner, Psychic Medium, Seances, and someone is moaning at the seance table. Birmingham Brown is walking outside, when he is at the front door, he is pulled inside by Johnson, who thanks him for taking the butler job. Birmingham puts on his butler jacket, and Johnson leaves, wishing him good luck. The seance continues with Charles Edwards being reunited with his dead wife. Harriet Green, Paul Hamlin, Nancy Wood are all present at the table, with William Bonner at the center, nearest the crystal ball, …

Dracula (1958)

Jonathan Harker begets the ire of Count Dracula after he accepts a job at the vampire’s castle under false pretenses, forcing his colleague Dr. Van Helsing to destroy the predatory villain when he targets Harker’s loved ones.

May 3, 1885: Jonathan Harker [John Van Eyssen] goes to Castle Dracula with a job as librarian. Harker writes in his diary that his purpose is to end Dracula’s “reign of terror”. A woman he meets in castle [Valerie Gaunt] asks him to help her escape, but the woman turns out to be a vampire. She attempts to bite Harker, but Dracula [Christopher Lee] intervenes. The next morning, Harker finds marks on his neck and knows he must act fast. He hides his diary at a crossroads, goes to the crypt, stakes the woman vampire, but Dracula wakes up. Days later Van Helsing [Peter Cushing] arrives at Klausenb…

Angel Heart (1987)

A private investigator is hired by a man who calls himself Louis Cyphre to track down a singer named Johnny Favorite. But the investigation takes an unexpected and somber turn. Angel Heart (1987)An ominous, slushy street, midnight, in the winter a dark figure walks down an alley, past the sounds of anguish and moaning. An alley cat looks down from the fire escape, a street dog wanders the alley scrounging for food. The dog spots the cat and barks, giving chase only to stop briefly to lap up fresh blood pouring from the split chest of a homeless man.New York City, January 3, 1955, a sloppy, unshaved man in a trench coat walks a street in Brooklyn, he smokes and greets various neighbors to the constant sound of a phone ringing.Harold Angel (Mickey Rourke) enters his sh…


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