
作者: wfbyingyin 分类: 好看的伦理电影推荐,最新好看的欧美电影推荐 发布时间: 2020-07-01 16:18

多力特的奇幻冒险 Dolittle (2020)


多力特(小罗伯特·唐尼饰)是一位能听懂多有动物说话的兽医,声名远播。女王还授予他一座自然保护区,接纳所有动物。然后,多力特与一位叫莉莉的探险家相爱,生活非常幸福。 然而,妻子莉莉在一次探险中却不幸死在了海上,只留下了一枚戒指。自此,多力特关闭了这座动物庇护所,彻底与世隔绝。 一位叫做斯塔宾斯的小男孩改变了一切。每次与家人一起打猎时,他都会想办法帮小动物们逃走。这次,斯塔宾斯射伤了一只小松鼠,为了救它,斯塔宾斯跟随一只鹦鹉来到了多力特的动物庇护所。由于大门紧闭,斯塔宾斯只能从狗洞爬了进去。 看着眼前让人惊奇的一切,这是个所有动物可以和谐共存的世界。然而,斯塔宾斯不小心掉进了陷阱,这时一个叫罗斯的女孩把他救了下来,二人一起来到门口敲门。多年不见陌生人的大猩猩一开门直接吓晕了过去。 此时的多力特俨然成为了一个邋遢大叔,整日与动物们为伍,他最大的乐趣就是与大猩猩下棋。更加惊讶的是,他们还见到了一只怕冷正在烤火的北极熊。在斯塔宾斯的请求下,多力特成功救下小松鼠。 看着这个神奇的世界,斯塔宾斯想要成为多力特的学徒。同时,罗斯也表明了来意,原来女王得了重病危在旦夕,现在只有多力特能够救她。开始多力特不想多管闲事,但在一群动物的各种威逼利诱和讨好之下,也为了抱住这个庇护所,多力特最终答应下来。 多力特一众来到女王的住所,在一只狗狗的帮助下…                        更多>

怪物史瑞克4 Shrek Forever After (2010)

Rumpelstiltskin tricks a mid-life crisis burdened Shrek into allowing himself to be erased from existence and cast in a dark alternate timeline where Rumpelstiltskin rules supreme.

The movie begins just before Shrek (voiced by 麦克·梅尔斯) rescues Princess Fiona (voiced by 卡梅隆·迪亚兹) in 怪物史瑞克. Desperate to lift their daughter’s curse, King Harold (voiced by 约翰·克立斯) and Queen Lillian (voiced by 朱莉·安德鲁斯) meet with con artist Rumpelstiltskin (voiced by 沃尔特·道恩), who requests becoming king of Far Far Away in exchange. Just before the king signs the contract, a page bursts in and announces that Princess Fiona has been saved. In the present, a disgruntled Rumpelstiltskin wishes Shrek was never born and seeks revenge.Meanwhile, Shrek has grown tired of be…                        更多>

非常小特务 Spy Kids (2001)

The children of secret-agent parents must save them from danger.

The film opens with Carmen and Juni Cortez (Alexa Vega and Daryl Sabara) being tucked into bed by their mother, Ingrid (Carla Gugino). Carmen requests to hear a bedroom story, more specifically, “The Two Spies Who Fell in Love,” one Ingrid hadn’t told them in awhile.Long ago, at a time of unstable relations between countries, a new breed of soldiers was created: super spies. Using their high-level intellects and proficiency in the art of stealth, they were able to stop wars before they happened. The two protagonists of the story, also spies, were tasked with eliminating the other, but they onl…                        更多>

乐高幻影忍者大电影 The Lego Ninjago Movie (2017)

Shunned by everyone for being the son of an evil warlord, a teenager seeks to defeat him with the help of his fellow ninjas.

A young boy ventures into an old relic shop, where he meets the mysterious owner, Mr. Liu, who begins to tell the boy the legend of Ninjago.Ninjago is a city within the Lego Universe that is frequently attacked by the evil Lord Garmadon, who is the father of Lloyd Garmadon and ex-husband of Misako (AKA Koko). Ninjago despises Lloyd for being Lord Garmadon’s son, which puts Lloyd under emotional stress. They do not know that Lloyd is part of the secret ninja force, consisting of Nya, Zane, Jay, Cole, Kai and their master named Wu, who always stop Garmadon from taking over the city by fighting w…                        更多>




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