
作者: wfbyingyin 分类: 好看电影 发布时间: 2020-07-01 16:22

惊变28天 28 Days Later… (2002)

Four weeks after a mysterious, incurable virus spreads throughout the UK, a handful of survivors try to find sanctuary.

Late one night, British animal rights activists break into a laboratory to free chimpanzees being used for medical research. Disregarding the warnings of a lab staffer, the activists ultimately free the Rage virus subjects, which attack and infect the activists and scientist. The infection seems to spread very quickly through its victims, turning them into uncontrollable monsters in a matter of seconds.Twenty-eight days later, a bicycle courier named Jim (基里安·墨菲) awakens from a coma in a deserted hospital. As he leaves the hospital, he discovers London is completely deserted and rife w…                        更多>

至尊神探 Dick Tracy (1990)

The comic strip detective finds his life vastly complicated when Breathless Mahoney makes advances towards him while he is trying to battle Big Boy Caprice’s united mob.

During the film’s opening credits, radio news broadcasts and newspaper headlines proclaim various gangland atrocities. As the action begins, a young street urchin (Charlie Korsmo), who calls himself “Kid,” is seen eating out of a garbage can and hiding from the cops. The Kid witnesses an illegal poker game between five thugs at the 7th Street Garage. Suddenly, a car bursts through the brick wall of the building and guns down all the card players. The massacre is executed by Flattop (威廉·弗西斯), one of Alphonse Big Boy Caprice’s gun-happy hoods. Flattop leaves a calling card: he shoots a…                        更多>

海盗夺金冠 Pirates (1986)

The adventures of pirate Captain Red and his first mate Frog.

In the Atlantic Ocean, set in the year 1659, the infamous aging English pirate Thomas Bartholomew Red (Walter Matthau), known as Captain Red, and his ship’s teenage cabin boy Jean-Baptiste (Cris Campion), nicknamed “Frog”, are lost on a raft without supplies in the ocean. Luckily, Captain Red and Frog are picked up by Neptune, a Spanish galleon en route to Spain. Thrown into the brig, Red and Frog meet the ship’s cook Boomako (Olu Jacobs), imprisoned after being accused of poisoning the Neptune’s captain Linares (Ferdy Mayne) in a supposed attempt at stealing the golden throne, loot from the A…                        更多>

无姓之人 Mr. Nobody (2009)

A boy stands on a station platform as a train is about to leave. Should he go with his mother or stay with his father? Infinite possibilities arise from this decision. As long as he doesn’t choose, anything is possible.

Mr. Nobody is a tale about choice. Nemo, a nine year old boy, has been thrust into a position where he must make an impossible decision – to choose between his mother and father. In the seconds preceding the rest of his life he wonders where each choice will take him. The forces of the universe working to bring about total chaos are counteracted by this boy’s overactive imagination. The dilemma that causes the films main problem (not knowing the future) once solved makes it all the more difficult – “I don’t know the future, therefore I cannot make a decision. Now that I know the future I still…                        更多>




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